Para mim, a vida sempre como àrvore sem fruta e eu serei um homem como eu que nunca viu as coisas acontecem, mas isso ainda vale a pena a dizer como um quarto de vácuo e indispensável, e por isso as coisas não acontecem por a caso, uma coisa que neste momento ainda a resolver, más , pronto é assim que as coisas têm que acontecer... Meus Grandes Abraços...***
domingo, 28 de outubro de 2012
A Minha Viagem a Lourdes
A minha viagem Espanha(Madrid,Pamplona,Coruña,Zaragosa, etc...) - França(Doune, Lourdes)
Foi para mim, uma viagem espectacular e fantástica
Saimos(Amigos Timorenses e Portugueses) daqui de Braga no dia 14(Segunda feira) as 3 horas de Madrugada com Agência Giromundo-Braga(Portugal) e Voltamos no dia 18(Quinta feira) as 9 da noite
Foi uma viagem que adorei porque daqui passar para Espanha, Madrid e Especialmente em Lourdes lugar onde apareceu a Nossa Senhora Maria Imaculada a Sta. Bernardete(Bernardet Soubirous) onde dizia-lhe as palavras:"Que Soy Era Imacullada Concepciou" na Gruta de Massabielle.
Adorei esta viagem;)
Se eu posso sugerir para alguma pessoa vou dizer " Vai para Lourdes", você exactamente vai sentir o que eu estava sentir quando estive lá.
É um lugar santo e revelação de sacrifício de Cristo.
-Nossa Senhora de Lourdes(Maria Imaculada)
-Rogai Por Nós
terça-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2012
Love, Life, Laugh . . . Story
I stared at the girl next to me... She was my so called "best friend"... I stared at her... Long, silky hair... And I wished she was mine... But she didn't notice me like that... I knew it... After class she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before... And I handed them to her... She said "thanks"... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know that I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why...
My phone rang... On the other end it was her... She was in tears... Mumbling on and on about how her love had broken her heart... She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone... So I did... As I sat next to her on the sofa... I stared at her soft eyes... Wishing she was mine... After 2 hours... I Drew Barrymore movie... And 3 bags of chips... She decided to go to sleep... She looked at me.. Said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I want her to know... That I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy to tell her... And I don't know why...
The day before prom... She walked to my locker... "My date is sick" she said... He's not going to go... Well... I didn't have a date and in 7th grade... We made a promise that if neiter of us had dates... We'd go together just as "best friends"... And so we did...
After everything was over with... I was standing at her front door step... I stared at her ... She smiled at me... I wanted her to be mine... But she doesn't think of me like that... And I know it... Then she said "I had the best time... Thanks!"... And she gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I wanted her to know that I don't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm just too shy... And I don't know why...
A day passed... And then a week... And then a month... Before I could blink... It was graduation day... I watched her... Perfect body... Floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma... I wanted her to be mine... But she doesn't think of me that way... And I know it... Before everyone went home... She came to me in her smock and hat... And cried as I hugged her... Then she lifted her head from my shoulders and said "you're my best friend"... "Thanks!"... And gave me a kiss on the cheek... I wanted to tell her.. I wanted to know that I wanted to be more than "just friends"... I love her but I'm too shy... And I don't know why...
Now I sit in the pews of the church... A church that she is getting married in now... I watched her say "I do" an drive off to her new life... Married to another man... I wanted her to be mine... But she didn't see me like that... And I knew it... But before she drove away... She came to me and said "You came!... Thanks!"... And she kissed me on the cheek... I wanted to tell her... I wantd her to know that I didn't want to be "just friends"... I love her but I'm just too shy... And I don't know why...
I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend"... At the service they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years... This is what it said... "I stare at him... Wishing he was mine... But he doesn't notice me like that... And I know it... I wanted to tell him... I wanted him to know... That I don't want to be "just friends"... I love him but I'm just too shy... And I don't know why... I wish he would tell me he loved me"... I wish I did too... I thought to myself and I cried...
rest in peace my Love
segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012
It´s The Time I Fly Over Oceans
It was about 07AM in Frankfurt, Germany on September,25th of 2011 at Lufthansa Air, Frankfurt Airport - Germany
Joelinho, Me , Izo and Pablo . . . Photographer by Emancia
It's hard to say,...
Say, say, no don´t say anythin´ no please say something,...
Don´t say good bye, but say hello,...
It´s hard to say, if i had to go, far and faraway, over oceans, as our beloved maun boot Apeu said, in a portuguese words "Navegar Pelos Horizontes"...
Farewell all my friends...all of you, your time and your good heart, i enjoyed with,...we were departing to Portugal, to study there
I went out from Nicolao Lobato Airport, Dili - Timor Leste, in 23rd of September 2011, it was in friday afternoon,... with my friends, we were five...
I let myself cry, i cry for my mommy, my family, my beloved friends ... and my teachers...i saw them so wonderful at the time,´s the time i had to say good bye...
Now, me and Pablo in Braga, and Joelinho, Izo and Emancia in Evora(Portugal)
In life, we just lived once a time,, enjoy it, be grateful on it, keep yourself and heart enjoy and be happy of it...
Even it´s too hard to do, but you´ll never die, they didn´t let you die,...
For it, went here, for my future, my nations future, as always here they said; we are the seeds of our nations,... that´s right,...i want to ask to all people, what i can do in this life, just study and enjoy life here, i think it´s not the answer, ...the answer maybe, what i have found and founded here and bring it to my life and celebrate it in the future and bring my nation to the first line of the best.
But,sadly i would like to express that, study is not a easy thing, it is a
hard thing and i even stressed of it, i dont know, but one thing i need to know that, i have to study, that´s why am here,... am not here for food even girls here make me mood,...that´s fine...
I need adaptation,...i need to work hard, hard as i can, run far as i can...
think in positive even i had too much negative values,...
I had to do something...
Diyo Chavez
Convento do Carmo
Braga - Portugal
January, 9th of 2012
sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2012
Vida, Obstaculo e Prazer

Hoje, um dia muito feliz para mim,...embora tenho muito dificuldade, é agradecer sempre a Deus,...
Faço às outras pessoas contentes e tristes,e eu também...
Ainda bem,que eu gostei das coisas que fiz, más raras.
A vida é como uma mulher que eu gostei muito más parece ela não me gostou.
Eu fiz e continua a fazer tantas coisas para ganhar o coração dela, más contínua não dá.Faço coisas fáceis até coisas difíceis e até não posso fazer.
Vida é obstáculo, más além disso um prazer a espera,
Importante é esforçar primeiro, faz tudo, dar tudo pelo tudo,...
Viver como a vida é hoje,...aproveite cada segundos da vida.
Tudo se Deus quiser, porque não há Deus, nada, você tem de acreditar em Sí,...uma vida sem Deus, sem Amor é nada...
Por isso,diz; na vida é Amigos, Passatempos, e Amor...você tem de ter essas coisas...***
Quando você encontra uma menina/menino, diz, aí que bonita/bonito isto é graça de Deus que Deus ainda muito generoso dar a tí dois olhos a ver um mundo cheio de beleza. Uma coisa muito fantástica, que não podemos imaginar e explicar.
A vida é mistério, más só precisamos de fê, quer dizer se você tem fê em Deus, você vai ver um milagre na vida...
Por isso, amar a tua vida, os pais, irmãos, os amigos, professores, adorar tudo que te fazem, porque amor neh?...e isso...*** adorar as belas e lindas raparigas...
Tudo, tudo que preciso para fazer na vida, então faça!!!
Que um ótimo dia para tí
Diyo Chavez
Mensagens (Atom)