Para mim, a vida sempre como àrvore sem fruta e eu serei um homem como eu que nunca viu as coisas acontecem, mas isso ainda vale a pena a dizer como um quarto de vácuo e indispensável, e por isso as coisas não acontecem por a caso, uma coisa que neste momento ainda a resolver, más , pronto é assim que as coisas têm que acontecer... Meus Grandes Abraços...***
domingo, 19 de dezembro de 2010
A ThIn` CoZ iT sEeMs Be Or WhAtEvEr...!!!???
I do not know if this thus or… but is not still really thus I was very contented!
It is the thing that i wanted them to know about, while they are about to fly, or to go...or whatever.
I am trying and i just try because, or more likely others can be.
One seconds, one minute `till hours, one day more, one night more, one month, and years comes and i, and what...and so what...never be...its interrupting, fuckin` impossible, and the fuckin` useless i thinl anymore...
I gotta off to remove my intention and emotion to persevere...not to act forward them, the enemies...
Its now up to the day that i have to define, i need consentration and ideas...not LG or Ideas for just a bullshit thing...those ideas that carrying my oddness to burry them in the hole of motherfucker...
Maybe we can use this as a software or application that can run in Computers or those digital machine...but then when you insert PENDRIVE, it can tell you, "you dont have permission or right to do anything condemned...a cause or case...just because of VIRUS...
We are using our mentality and power...but its the reality, the challange...we are knowing that, Life is a Challange and its NOT a Choice...
If we think, that we only can do...the permission that good for us...if its not permit, we choose to left it, or DIE...if we don´t want to live...
To answer is to react...maybe just tell this...bacause its cold...and while...its snowing...and lets sing "so thins is christmass..."...and remember all of you...and cheers...
segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010
love a great word

There was a blind girl who hates herself just because was blind.She hated everyone except her loving boyfriend.
One day someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything,including her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend asked her"now that you can see the world,will you marry me?"The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too,and refused to merry him.
Her boyfriend walked away in tears,and later wrote a letter to her saying"Just take care of my eyes dear".I'll always love you forever...sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010
Love Is Blind

In everyone’s life a moment comes; when you see your loved ones is no more with you and you feel hurt and distracted. You feel sorry for yourself. Till that, very heart breaking moment; you do everything for your loved one, but then you wonder why this happened to me? No matter how hard you think over and over your heart still tells you that you still love that person and that feeling is still there. There are many reasons for heart break, but, heart break without a reason is the most deadly of all. Many feel , after few days heart burn will fade away and something new will come out. It’s a very tricky and difficult thing to discuss. Only those who came out of it can explain properly, but as saying goes “once bitten twice shy”, next time he/she may not be 100% in their love or it may not be love at all, but just an adjustment. Whatever, but I have a very nice story for the same.
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that is she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?” The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him.
Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying.
This is how humans change when their status changes. Only few remember what life was before.Here he desired her love and wanted to marry her and to fullfill that he gave away the most precious things for human being. She never thought she could ever see things around her and relied on her best friend. But the moment she could see , he expectations and desires changed.sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010
não sei quê e não sei quê...!!! pah então como é que é...

Só com um experimento a dizer se estou a reagir o meu passo, a seguinte a estrada para Vila Verde.
Com muito atenção e sem importa a ninguém ou não sei quê....sem me olhar ao lado que me passei...e isso muito mal quando ouvir um carro ou uma mota a passar...
Aí, com o barulho dos passageiros da rua e eu nunca tinha visto uma coisa que me faz estranha assim...neste momento estou na rua para a UNTL, ainda no terceiro ano...
saí da casa as 9 e tal...sem me tomar banho, nem lavar a cara porque não há agua na banheira...nisso só com os a toalha me limpei, que ainda magoado.
Bem...saí com muito depressa porque a chave da porta esta comigo e porque os colegas que já me esperavam com muito paciência sem importa ao tempo...também neste momento o Prof.Pedro Tavares...ah é um músico más...quando comparamos com o Slash da GNR só diferença de cabelo...más eu cheguei à UNTL o Prof. ainda não esteve.
Más antes disto tudo...o que ainda pensava é quando atravessava a rua...em frente de Catedral de Nossa Senhora de Maria Imaculada, Vila ví uma coisa estranhamente sem me ligar ...por mais tempo...porque...ah...isto é que é....ela já me apaixonei, um momento quando eu me gostava de abusar é num momento de falecido do Papa João Paulo neste momento ainda estava na Secundária...
A noite antes da missa...más já viu lhe e gosto muito dela...más é uma coisa estranha que ainda me levou por muito tempo é que ainda não me dizer a ela...o que tenho no meu coração...
Más neste...em frente de Catedral eu ví uma coisa...é que eu posso meter na minha consciência a dizer ela...e já se apaixonou por alguém rua que me passou...más até agora quando falamos disto...disto eu nunca queria dizer a ela se ...neste momento eu ví ela está a sorrir com alguém...uma coisa que eu não gosto imensa...
Más, já tudo ainda reparei a minha vista a ela nunca quer a olhar a ela faz doer no meu peito...é como um tiro que faz ferir...más...até agora já consegui a dizer a ela ...más ela me disse que...ela já tem o namorado...
Eu disse que..."gosto muito de tí nunca me importo e sem me importo ao alguém que te conseguisse amar me também...peço-te muito agradece...e as coisas anda assim não é?...
Eu não sei o que estou a fazer...então como é que é....é assim...fico só assim...más não me render...é uma parte da vida que ainda a espera por outra fase...só pensava que se um dia ela me gostasse outra vez...então...o que esperava é...já se em real...
Más sempre perguntar a situação dela...como é que é...e tál...sempre a dizer...cuida da sua saude e estima a cara para ficasse sempre palavras românticas e amor...más também tantas dór aconteceu...
Más não faz a diferença se eu e ela perguntamos uns aos outros...e ela me disse hoje quando chat..."Gi...hau off lai eee..." e uma coisa é quando eu em primeira vez beijei a ela...ficava-se com muito contente...os colegas me afirmaram assim...
Espero que as coisas ficasse bem com ela...e o que eu adoro muito é o sorriso lindo olhos castanhos...e nariz...meados...e lábios pouco carnudos...ela me comporta muito bem...más as vezes, quando eu já nunca lhe contactei...fazia um miscall...
Ah...tantas coisas para dizer aqui...más há uma coisa é...quando me sentava com ela, ela me contava tudo que esta no seu pensamento...porque já não me encontrava quase três e tal anos...ela contava se ela tirou alguns dos meus fotos do facebook...e dizer miss u quando me sms...
............ ...........
Eu não sei que...isto é uma coisa que eu sempre a dizer aos meus companheiros...não sei quê e não sei quê...pah...então como é que é um dia isto só queria dizer a fim do nosso amor e boa sorte p`ra você...
Muito Obrigado
***ThE BiRtH oF tHe KiNg***

*** helllooo....***.
Merry Christmass every one.
***I feel so glad and my heart rejoyces because of Jesus Christ, was born to us, and our day would be enjoyable.
***He comes to us, not only for elite and VIP`s but for us all, who is living creature, that created by God the father that we have fatih in.
***Today, is the day to remember that, Christ the King, come to us, to save us the sinner.
We may sing as angels in heaven in His throne...
Jesus, has come to us, to save us, from our sin, from our ego, our emotions and our bad intentions to gain the bad.
***In Bethlehem, the city of the David, He born there in the baby is so cute and awsome, with Mary and Joseph...and million of angels singing a song to Him to proclaim His presence...that the Son of God is born...
***I really apreciate Mary the Mother and Saint Joseph, because they have dedication to obey what is we say they do the project of God, their contribution is our perfection in God`s eyes...only with Jesus...all the human being is saved...
***Then, why Jesus must be born to us?Why He don`t come as God...its we may not understand God have explain to us from the phrophets and the angels.That is why we even ask that as from our sin, and the answer is JESUS Christ...
***Jesus, love us and Jesus is the he have ever said...I am the Way, the Truth and the Life...and we can resume it....that...Jesus is the Love...the love that never dies until He gave his life to us.
***Hi, dear everyone...please be know that Jesus always loves you...and until He gaves his life to you...and died in the cross ...just to save he have said..."there is no love that greater than a man gives his life to save his comrades..."
***Merry Christmass my dear everyone...and Jesus the cute and the awsome baby loves you all....
with a lot of wish and love...inboxes in this messages
***Hug from Little Jesus...***
Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
...THaNK YoU...
My love is here for you

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I am your butterfly lost love without you!!!'s been a month and half since you've been gone leaving me here along feeling lost and lonesome.Never did I expect this will happen to our relationship which last for a year.You came to me and give me hope and you're the one now whom breaking it up.
I still remember when you call me and told me I am everything to you , now you left me stranded here without any reason or clue.I gave you my words my heart and I am lost without you here. Each day I keep wondering to myself why do you have to do this to me.Why are you running away without saying anything...what do I have to do now?Tell me..should I forget everything about us about the promised you have made ?
Well, I am not begging you to stay.My hope is tell me straight to my face if you don't love me anymore.I will understand and will never hate you cause I believe Love is to Give but not to take it away.I have give you the love and it will always remain with you to keep.
I can't go on waiting for you here ,feeling lost without clue and don't know what to do.Well, I guess by 3rd months if you still don't come around ..I will understand that is the End of the story goes.You don't have to think about me anymore , wonder what I am doing right now cause there is no need for you to know.
If you are sitting alone and saw a buttefly, well I just want you to know I am sending you a butterfly wathcing over you.Cause I am your butterfly lost love without you .
Are we taking our loved ones for granted ?

About 14 years ago I had the honor of meeting a very beautiful lady together we built a relationship our friendship was its foundation it was strong rooted and both of us were strongly committed I gave her my love and she gave me her love,We both now possessed life's most sought after treasure, the love and companionship of another! She called me the "LOVE OF HER LIFE" and I called her "THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" Throughout each day her. Love was so beautiful and genuine. I remember seeing and feeling her devotion her eyes would sparkle with joy.
Her actions could never been mistaken for anything other than her devotion to me!, everything that she did was always centered around me if not for me completely.
There's no doubt in my mind that yes I did have her complete devotion and yes she loved me sincerely and was everything she portrayed to be. Destiny took its course and I lost her. I hurt, I hurt real bad my mind was cluttered with self pity and ignorance thoughts entered my mind,it was Divine intervention that saved me one night. It was then that I received the real treasure that the "love of my life" had given me but first I needed to accept the fact that it was me that had cheated myself out of what I now miss the most in my life, "my companion, my soul mate, my love" But why did I have to lose the mostbeautiful and sincere thing that has ever happened to me to be able to fully appreciate what she was? She was everything Iwanted and want. 14 years later and still being unable to find someone that hs half of values has made me realize the rarity of her qualities. Yes, I fell victim to my own foolishness and forced one of life's most well known facts to prove itself again except this time in MY Life, "you don't realize what you have until you lose it!" I will do as we all must do and move on but rather than moving on in regret or by shifting the blameto her I will move on by first giving thanks to our God for being whom He is and for all the guidance He gives us. THE "LOVE OF MY LIFE", I remember everything you did and every word you spoke for/to me, you told me you loved me and your actions followed through. It took losing you to understand REAL LOVE, If not for you I may have never experienced the love between a man and woman. Someday if someone special enters my life I will show them how much I appreciate and love them as you showed me except of course in my own way.
...Relationships may be time consuming and challenging but the rewards are well worth the efforts. If you have been blessed with someone in your life then go to them now and tell how you feel about them tell them you love them and never stop showing them just how much you do, don't take it for granted that they already know give them some reassurance from your own free will. There's nothing more greater than having someones love. If you don't show them while you can you might not ever get another chance!
"fanbox", diyo chavez
10 de desembro de 2010
A beautiful love story

A beautiful love story
Here is an amazing love story . Read on..!He met her on a party. She was so outstanding, many guys chasing after her, while he so normal, nobody paid attention to him. At the end of the party, he invited her to have coffee with him, she was surprised, but due to being polite, she promised. They sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too nervous to say anything, she felt uncomfortable, she thought, please,