About 14 years ago I had the honor of meeting a very beautiful lady together we built a relationship our friendship was its foundation it was strong rooted and both of us were strongly committed I gave her my love and she gave me her love,We both now possessed life's most sought after treasure, the love and companionship of another! She called me the "LOVE OF HER LIFE" and I called her "THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!" Throughout each day her. Love was so beautiful and genuine. I remember seeing and feeling her devotion her eyes would sparkle with joy.
Her actions could never been mistaken for anything other than her devotion to me!, everything that she did was always centered around me if not for me completely.
There's no doubt in my mind that yes I did have her complete devotion and yes she loved me sincerely and was everything she portrayed to be. Destiny took its course and I lost her. I hurt, I hurt real bad my mind was cluttered with self pity and ignorance thoughts entered my mind,it was Divine intervention that saved me one night. It was then that I received the real treasure that the "love of my life" had given me but first I needed to accept the fact that it was me that had cheated myself out of what I now miss the most in my life, "my companion, my soul mate, my love" But why did I have to lose the mostbeautiful and sincere thing that has ever happened to me to be able to fully appreciate what she was? She was everything Iwanted and want. 14 years later and still being unable to find someone that hs half of values has made me realize the rarity of her qualities. Yes, I fell victim to my own foolishness and forced one of life's most well known facts to prove itself again except this time in MY Life, "you don't realize what you have until you lose it!" I will do as we all must do and move on but rather than moving on in regret or by shifting the blameto her I will move on by first giving thanks to our God for being whom He is and for all the guidance He gives us.
...to THE "LOVE OF MY LIFE", I remember everything you did and every word you spoke for/to me, you told me you loved me and your actions followed through. It took losing you to understand REAL LOVE, If not for you I may have never experienced the love between a man and woman. Someday if someone special enters my life I will show them how much I appreciate and love them as you showed me except of course in my own way.
...Relationships may be time consuming and challenging but the rewards are well worth the efforts. If you have been blessed with someone in your life then go to them now and tell how you feel about them tell them you love them and never stop showing them just how much you do, don't take it for granted that they already know give them some reassurance from your own free will. There's nothing more greater than having someones love. If you don't show them while you can you might not ever get another chance!
"fanbox", diyo chavez
10 de desembro de 2010
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